Artículos de revistas
GEOSTRATEGY OF ECONOMIC SPACES: Innovation and Change in Latin America Territorial Administration
Falcão Vieira,Euripedes
Milano Falcão Vieira,Marcelo
In this essay we analyze the geostrategy of economic spaces in the sphere of new links in the global economy, placing Latin America in the scenario of the new world order.The geostrategic dimension of economic spaces includes spatial redefinitions as a result of new global strategies of the major transnational corporations.This is, therefore, of a space-time configuration of scenarios in the articulation between the importance of the place, action site, and expression of power. Territorial administration adopts new outlines, sharing and is linked to the logistics of market interests. In the new configuration of interests of global economics, the spatial barriers are set aside and global places are created, representing fragmentations of territorialized space.Territorialization of global productive spaces represents deterritorialization of national spaces. Forms of power and influence of power radiate from them in all directions. Power and administration of territory in the large complex economic and political organisms - regional blocks - confront each member's historie reality, the inequalities of the rates of development, culture and social levels. These realities are hard to harmonize and eventually categorize hegemonic centers of power and a national fringe of dependence. Global geostrategy, therefore, takes over, redefines and reorders productive circulation spaces, establishing new relations of power and administration of territories. Historically Latin América continued to depend heavily on the economic order established by the colonizing countries and this dependence gradually shifted to the world financial supremacies.This dependence intensified the indebtedness process that today characterizes the so-called market of foreign debts, with significant reflections on the internal social order.