O uso da música como recurso didático e documento no ensino de história sobre os governos militares no Brasil
2022-05-11Registro en:
FRAGA, João Maria de Sousa. O uso da música como recurso didático e documento no ensino de história sobre os governos militares no Brasil. 2022. 152f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de História - Profhistoria) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Fraga, João Maria de Sousa
This work aims to study the use of music as a didactic resource and historical source in teaching
the History of military governments in Brazil. The choice of this language taken as a didactic
pedagogical instrument wanted to promote the motivation of students in History lessons. This
experiment was carried out in the third year of high school classes, at the Marista College in
Natal. The research started with the question: how to use music as a didactic resource and
historical document in History lessons? The work aimed to analyze music as a didactic resource
and historical document in the third year of high school classes at the Marista Natal school. The
songs chosen were: Opinião, 1964, Zé Keti; Pra não dizer que não falei das flores, 1968,
Geraldo Vandré; É proibido proibir, 1958, Caetano Veloso; Calice, 1973, Chico Buarque; O
bêbado e o equilibrista, 1979, João Bosco e Vai passar, 1984, Chico Buarque. These songs
were chosen to analyze the chronological breakdown proposed by the research: from 1964,
when there was the military-civil coup to 1968 with the edition of the A15; from 1968 with the
entry into force of the A15 to 1978, when the A15 was revoked and from 1978 with the
revocation of the A15, the elections of Tancredo/Sarney in 1985. All this is to produce a
sequence of six courses based on the methodology of Miriam Hermeto. And a playlist with the
censored songs.