dc.contributorMedeiros, Eugênio Mariano Fonseca de
dc.contributorPinto, Edna Moura
dc.contributorPinto, Edna Moura
dc.contributorGoulart, Solange Virginia Galarça
dc.contributorTeles, Viviane Maria Medeiros
dc.creatorLobão, Roberta Souza
dc.identifierLOBÃO, Roberta Souza. Construindo um shoin: protótipo de modelo digital interativo do Ko Shoin da vila de Katsura com foco nas técnicas construtivas em madeira. 2018. 107f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Departamento de Arquitetura, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
dc.description.abstractThis is a proposal of an interactive digital model of Katsura's Villa, located in Kyoto, Japan. Katsura Imperial Villa presents architectonic value to both the east and the west, considered a masterpiece of the Japanese Traditional Architecture and presents elements and traces seen by modernist architects as exemplary. The choice to model the Villa's main building (shoin) stems not only from its impossibility of visitation due to distance impairments and the prohibition of entry of the actual building, but also from its high amount of details and technical knowledge if compared to the other buildings of the Villa. This work intends to give the possibility of elucidation about how the buildings were built, the definition of its materials and the ideology behind this simple, yet sophisticated space. A tridimensional model of the building was elaborated through a modeling software, the 3DS Max, and through the support of a game engine software, the Unreal Engine 4, this model had its interactive features added, resulting in the Interactive Digital Model.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherArquitetura e Urbanismo
dc.subjectArquitetura tradicional japonesa - Monografia
dc.subjectModelo Digital Interativo (MDI) - Monografia
dc.subjectTécnica construtiva em madeira - Monografia
dc.subject3DS Max - Monografia
dc.subjectUnreal Engine 4 - Monografia
dc.subjectWood Construction Methods
dc.subjectInteractive Digital Model (IDM)
dc.subjectTraditional Japanese Architecture
dc.titleConstruindo um shoin: protótipo de modelo digital interativo do Ko Shoin da vila de Katsura com foco nas técnicas construtivas em madeira

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