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Prevalência de sintomas de asma, rinite e eczema atópico entre crianças e adolescentes brasileiros identificados pelo International Study of Asthma and Allergies (ISAAC) - Fase 3
Objetivo: Determine the prevalence of symptoms related asthma, rhinitis eczema and atopic in school (EC) between 6 and 7 years and adolescents (ad) between 13 and 14 years, residents in 20 Brazilian cities, using the written questionnaire standardized of Isaac, and assess their Association with the latitude, altitude and annual average temperature of centres of residence. Methods: Participated in the EC study and ad of the five regions of Brazil, 23. 422 Isaac questionnaires completed by the parents of Ech and 58.4.2 144(2) by own ad. The indices of latitude, altitude and annual average temperature were obtained from the Brazilian Institute of geography and statistics. Results: The prevaléncias medium-sized to the EC and ad, respectively, were: asthma Active, 24, 3 and 19, 0% rhinoconjunctivitis, 12, 6 and 14, 6% and eczema flexural, 8, 2 and 5, 0%. Association signifier negative was observed between latitude and prevalence of asthma diagnosed by doctor to the EC, asthma, serious asthma diagnosed by medical, eczema and eczema flexural to the ad. There was no Association with the altitude. Conclusión: The prevalence of asthma, rhinitis eczema and atopic in Brazil was variable. Higher valúes, particularly of asthma and eczema, were observed in centers located closer to Ecuador.