dc.contributorFarias, Hélio Takashi Maciel de
dc.contributorOliveira, Lorena Gomes Torres de
dc.contributorAtaíde, Ruth Maria Da Costa
dc.creatorAzevedo, Letícia Nunes
dc.identifierAZEVEDO, Letícia Nunes. O mundo inteiro é um palco: a apropriação do meio urbano como cenário teatral. 2021. 189f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo), Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021
dc.description.abstractIn view of the transformation of the city into sectors of differente commercial values, it is notable the distance betweent users and the urban spaces in wich they operate, making certains fractions of the city into places with poor space memory and unnappealing to the surrounding community. However, there are a series of tensions resisting in micro spaces in the contemporary city, they are artistic, architectura and political interferences, as long festivities and more others different purposes that have in their practice the intrisic characteristic of breaking the everyday life logic. The theater that takes place on the street in a secular way, can be considered a potential disseminator of new urban narratives, its subversive capacity eases tensions, awakens new perspectives, fosters the development of a new image of the city. That said, this work presents aspects of public free spaces and their possibilities of appropriation as a stage for theatrical shows, with the objective of proposing a portable equipment for the realization of outdoor shows that promotes the appropriation of public free spaces. The research initially took place with the theoretical support of authors such as André Carreira (2019), Kevin Lynch (1980), Marc Augé (2012) and Michel de Certeau (1998). Subsequently, starting from the concepts of place, daily life, image of the city and invasion theater, worked on by these authors, an approximation was made between the reality of the urban center of Natal / RN and the practice of street theater based on the statements obtained in online interviews with actors and directors from Rio Grande do Norte and other regions of Brazil, in order to subsidize the design of a modular equipment with portable architecture, designed as physical support for the various theatrical activities and spontaneous interventions that take place in urban public spaces. Finally, social articulation and spontaneous interventions are highlighted as fundamental instruments for the redefinition of public free spaces in the city and for the approximation and recognition between users and the environment.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherArquitetura e Urbanismo
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectImagem da cidade - Monografia
dc.subjectPaisagem urbana - Monografia
dc.subjectTeatro de rua - Monografia
dc.subjectArquitetura efêmera - Monografia
dc.subjectEstrutura portátil - Monografia
dc.titleO mundo inteiro é um palco: a apropriação do meio urbano como cenário teatral

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