Guardião Cloud - plataforma de apoio para internet das coisas
2016-04-27Registro en:
CANTANHEDE, Romulo Fagundes. Guardião Cloud - plataforma de apoio para internet das coisas. 2016. 91f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Engenharia de Software) - Instituto Metrópole Digital, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
Cantanhede, Romulo Fagundes
The IoT(Internet of Things) proposes that computer systems are formed by several
information producers and/or consumer devices, allowing the development of
various solutions based on data collection and analysis. However, in addition to
data collection and analysis, it is also necessary to make decisions and act on them.
This work’s proposal is to develop a support platform for IoT applications, not
only allowing data collection and analysis, but also their use for decision making
and action. The platform will allow any device with Internet access to send information
in various formats, supporting real-time monitoring of the collected data,
as well as the definition of decision-making mechanisms, such as the activation
of a particular device or the generation of alerts. As a case study, the platform
was applied to monitor a hospital style environment. Some controlled experiments
were conducted to evaluate the platform, providing the means for the definition of
some design parameters for its deployment.