Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7867847
Efeitos observados com diferentes doses de morfina subaracnóidea em ratos
(Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia, 2004-02-01)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Spinal morphine promotes adequate pain relief, but is not free from side effects. This study aimed at investigating the effects of different spinal morphine doses. METHODS: Five groups of seven ...
M2+Cad 1.0 r1
(M2 Consultoría S.R.L., 0000)
Manuales que acompañan al software.
On codimensions k immersions of m-manifolds for k = m - 3, k = m - 5 and k = m - 6
Let us consider M be a closed smooth connected m-manifold, N be a smooth n-manifold and f: M → N be a continuousmapwith codimension k = n - m > 0. In this paper, under certain conditions, we prove that f is homotopic to ...