Dispositivos legais que regulamentam a Educação Infantil: Um olhar sobre as mudanças que se processaram nesse nível de ensino a partir do final da década de 1980, com enfoque na atual conjuntura do ensino infantil em um município norte-rio-grandense.
2018-07-04Registro en:
SILVA, Lusiania Sousa de Lucena. DISPOSITIVOS LEGAIS QUE REGULAMENTAM A EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL: Um olhar sobre as mudanças que se processaram nesse nível de ensino a partir do final da década de 1980, com enfoque na atual conjuntura do ensino infantil em um município Norte-Rio-Grandense. 2018. 67f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Pedagogia) - Departamento de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Ensino Superior do Seridó, Caicó, 2018.
Silva, Lusiania
This work deals with the trajectory covered by early childhood education, focusing on the legal provisions that regulate this education level. Base on the Constituição Federal (1988) as an important landmark in the conquering children's rights to education process, some documents are presented, as the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente - ECA (1990) and the Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional - LDB (1996), which contributed significantly to that preschool education presented the current conjecture. In this context, it is pertinent to cite some documents that gives the work basis such as the Referencial Curricular Nacional to Educação Infantil (RCNEI, 1998), the accreditation subsidies and Early Childhood Education Institutions functioning (1998), the National Education Policy (2006), the Quality Indicators in Early Childhood Education (2009), the criteria for care in childcare that respects the children fundamental rights (2009), the Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais to Educação Infantil (DCNEI, 2010), the National Education Plan (PNE, 2014) and the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC, 2018). Based on the study of these documents that were elaborated with the goal of guiding and the childhood education regulating in Brazil, it is presented a study about changes that occurred in this education level from the end of the 80's to present days, highlighting the accomplish advancements as regards the conquers rights by children. Based on this study and the observations maden at a municipal public school, located in Rio Grande do Norte, it is presented considerations about the current Early Childhood Education situation in the mentioned municipality, highlighting the teaching and management practices adopted by this institution, its coherence and/or incoherence with the legal apparatus. The research results evinces that a long way has been taken for children enjoy the right to be treated as "subjects of rights". And, nowadays, they have guaranteed the right to have a quality education, which must be offered by institutions responsible and engaged to the physical, psychological, intellectual and social development of them, and no longer as assistencialist teaching, as it formerly happened. Given these observations made at a kindergarten in a municipality of Rio Grande do Sul, it is possible to affirm that, although early childhood education has evolved significantly since the Constituição Federal enactment of 1988 to nowadays, there is still much to be done, for the children can experience, day by day at school environment, truly enriching experiences for their formation.