Modelo de formação acadêmica interdisciplinar: uma análise da estrutura curricular e metodológica no curso do BC&T/UFRN, na ótica dos egressos
2016-06-23Registro en:
CAVALCANTE, Graziella Bezerra. Modelo de formação acadêmica interdisciplinar: uma análise da estrutura curricular e metodológica no curso do BC&T/UFRN, na ótica dos egressos. 2016. 120f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Gestão Pública) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
Cavalcante, Graziella Bezerra
This research was to analysis problem: the perception of the course graduates BC & T /
UFRN as the curriculum and methodological framework of the interdisciplinary academic
model? To support research, it broke the idea that education, from the 1970s, has undergone
several transformations adapt to the new hegemonic order of capitalist production and the
political changes, gradually introduced, so that it could contribute for economic and social
development of countries. Thus, it was noticed that the Bologna Process and the REUNI
marked strongly this scenario, the international and national levels, respectively, promoting a
new academic model of higher level, titled Bachelor degrees Interdisciplinary - IBs, which
prioritize the adoption a more flexible curriculum system, teaching-learning methodologies
and evaluation focused on the student, the practice of interdisciplinarity, the association
between theory and practice, among others. That said, it sought to achieve the following
overall goal: to analyze the curriculum and methodological framework of the interdisciplinary
training model implemented by the course of Bachelor of Science and Technology of UFRN,
from the viewpoint of egress. As for the analysis procedures, is a quantitative and qualitative
research, because to get the answers related to problem analysis and objectives, we made use
of the following data collection instruments: questionnaires and interviews. As for its design,
it is a bibliographical research, documentary and field. Whereas the study population of 352
graduates, it estimated a sample to administer the questionnaires 50.2%, and 5 graduates for
the interviews. To analyze the data, and the application of descriptive statistics, which earned
the relative frequencies and cumulative data collected from the questionnaires was used also a
sequence of activities, namely: reduction, categorization and interpretation of data (GIL,
2009). The dissertation highlighted as main results that the course has sought to develop the
curriculum flexibility through their academic options: general, directed and engineering.
However, from the viewpoint of egress, some problems have been reported, such as the
absence of interdisciplinary practice and the practice of an overly traditional methodology.