Seleção de atributos baseado em algoritmos de agrupamento para tarefas de classificação
2017-02-10Registro en:
DANTAS, Carine Azevedo. Seleção de atributos baseado em algoritmos de agrupamento para tarefas de classificação. 2017. 70f. Dissertação (Mestrado Em Sistemas E Computação) - Centro De Ciências Exatas E Da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2017.
Dantas, Carine Azevedo
With the increase of the size on the data sets used in classi cation systems, selecting
the most relevant attribute has become one of the main tasks in pre-processing phase.
In a dataset, it is expected that all attributes are relevant. However, this is not always
veri ed. Selecting a set of attributes of more relevance aids decreasing the size of the data
without a ecting the performance, or even increase it, this way achieving better results
when used in the data classi cation. The existing features selection methods elect the
best attributes in the data base as a whole, without considering the particularities of
each instance. The Unsupervised-based Feature Selection, proposed method, selects the
relevant attributes for each instance individually, using clustering algorithms to group
them accordingly with their similarities. This work performs an experimental analysis
of di erent clustering techniques applied to this new feature selection approach. The
clustering algorithms k-Means, DBSCAN and Expectation-Maximization (EM) were used
as selection methods. Anaysis are performed to verify which of these clustering algorithms
best ts to this new Feature Selection approach. Thus, the contribution of this study is to
present a new approach for attribute selection, through a Semidynamic and a Dynamic
version, and determine which of the clustering methods performs better selection and get
a better performance in the construction of more accurate classi ers.