Implementação do omnichannel nos processos de relacionamento com o cliente na empresa Magazine Luiza S.A.
2020-11-27Registro en:
CARVALHO, Eloiza Borges de. Implementação do omnichannel nos processos de relacionamento com o cliente na empresa Magazine. 2020. 66f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Administração) – Departamento de Ciências Administrativas, Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Carvalho, Eloiza Borges de
This work focuses on the implementation of omnichannel in customer relationship processes at Magazine Luiza S.A, in order to know the positive effects in relation to satisfaction and possible promoters of customer loyalty. As a specific objective, the research identifies the actions, tools, and techniques for implementing omnichannel in the relationship with consumers in the organization Magazine Luiza SA The choice of the organization for analysis is justified by the company being recognized as one of the pioneering Brazilian companies in advancing the strategy multichannel and subsequent implementation of the omnichannel strategy, as well as for its practices and investments in customer service performance. The research has a qualitative approach and used as a method of data collection the documents and reports published electronically by the company and observation, by the author, of the virtual sales channels, such as the Magalu website and application. The study materials and observation of the company's website were verified based on documentary and content analysis. Based on the literature on the subject of the study and the information present in the official documents of the company. The results confirm that the investigated company is positioned within the omnichannel strategy, based on the tools and techniques developed for the integration of channels, such as the use of enterprise resource planning management and ERP, integrating departments, internal communication, and sales channels, known as “Magalu Ecosystem”. The customer management tools for maintaining, retaining and monitoring consumer behavior are controlled by systems such as CRM and are focused on improving the relationship with the customer through humanized service, taking into account the company's privacy policy and satisfaction surveys that include service satisfaction indexes, problem-solving and brand recommendation, in order to propose services, products and personalized service and thus achieve better satisfaction rates and ensure brand loyalty. These assessments are made based on the attributes of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, guarantee and empathy in the quality of the service provided in the service between the physical and virtual channels. This study also identified some of the challenges of applying omnichannel in customer relationship management, such as projecting the withdrawal of the product in the store that was sold in e-commerce, achieving the goals of the 5-year strategic cycle, which aims to expand the mobility and digital accessibility of Magalu consumers, challenges such as providing flawless journeys from beginning to end for consumers, as well as challenges in reshaping organizational values and culture even among external partners to deliver positive experiences for the customer. By providing knowledge of a practical the application demonstrated with a theoretical basis, this work can subsidize other companies in the development of omnichannel strategies having as inspiration the integration of channels and actions that promote loyalty during the purchase journey carried out by the company Magazine Luiza S.A.