dc.creatorMiranda V,Héctor
dc.creatorMellado T,Patricio
dc.creatorSandoval R,Patricio
dc.creatorHuete L,Isidro
dc.descriptionIsolated cortical vein thrombosis is an uncommon presentation of central venous thrombosis. We report two females, aged 29 and 40 years, with isolated cortical vein thrombosis. Both presented with a focal neurological deficit and focal seizures that became generalized. The diagnosis was made with magnetic resonance imaging. Both had a history of oral contraceptive use. Both had a rapid response to unfractionated heparin. One patient had an antiphospholipid syndrome as a possible etiology. The most common manifestations of this disease are a transient or recurrent neurological deficit, visual disturbances and focal or generalized seizures, usually without intracanial hypertension. Neuroimages show ischemic abnormalities that do not follow an arterial vascular territory, often with an early hemorrhagic component. There is a good clinical response to heparin
dc.publisherSociedad Médica de Santiago
dc.sourceRevista médica de Chile v.135 n.10 2007
dc.subjectAntiphospholipid syndrome
dc.subjectIntracranial thrombosis
dc.subjectVenous thrombosis
dc.titleTrombosis venosa cortical aislada: Comunicación de dos pacientes
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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