A síndrome do hiperestímulo ovariano não influencia os resultados clínicos após ciclos de descongelamento de embriões provenientes de ciclos de ICSI
2010-04-01Registro en:
Jornal Brasileiro de Reproducao Assistida, v. 14, n. 2, p. 32-35, 2010.
Centro de Fertilização Assistida
Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
Instituto Sapientiae
University of Queesland
Clínica Step 01
Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo
Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo
Federacao Brasileira Das Sociedades de Ginecologia e Obstetricia
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
Objective: The objective of this study was evaluate if the embryos cryopreservation from OHSS patients Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) cycles could be influence the clinical outcomes when compared to patients who receive oocytes from donors but the endometrium was not prepared and the embryos were cryopreserved. Methods: Fifty eight couples submitted to ICSI cycles in which 26 with OHSS clinical manifestation (OHSS group) and 32 couples who have received oocytes from donors (control group). The embryos were frozen on day+2 or +3of development. All patients included in this study had embryos crypreserved before the transfer, and in the thawing cycle, only the endometrium preparation was performed. The embryo survival, implantation, pregnancy and miscarriage rates were evaluated in the embryo thawing cycle. Results: There was no difference among the groups in relation to fertilization rate (OHSS: 71.89% ± 15.45, Control: 79.75% ± 21.68, p= 0.234), survival embryos rate (OHSS: 68.85 ± 21.10, Control: 59.53 ± 36.79, p= 0.233), high quality embryos rate (OHSS: 25.20 ± 23.90, Control: 27.40 ± 30.30, p= 0.760), implantation rate (OHSS: 17.9 ± 26.9, Control: 12.5 ± 23.7, p= 0.435), pregnancy rate (OHSS: 38.50, Control: 28.60, p= 0.441) and miscarriage rate (OHSS: 40.00, Control: 25.00, p= 0.332). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that clinical outcomes in freeze and thawing cycles were not affected by the presence of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome clinical manifestation after controlled ovarian stimulation.