dc.contributorDanielle da Glória de Souza
dc.contributorVivian Vasconcelos Costa Litwinski
dc.contributorCaio Tavares Fagundes
dc.contributorJordana Grazziela Alves Coelho dos Reis
dc.contributorJean Pierre Schatzmann Peron
dc.contributorRafael Elias Marques Pereira Silva
dc.creatorVidyleison Neves Camargos
dc.description.abstractZika virus (ZIKV) infection is associated with serious birth defects, including microcephaly, sensory, articular and muscle abnormalities, among others, which are defined as Congenital Zika Syndrome. Several infections during pregnancy are associated with the development of neuropsychiatric disorders secondary to changes in the neurodevelopmental process. However, neuropsychiatric consequences in the offspring born to ZIKV-infected dams are still unknown. Here, using an immunocompetent C57BL/6 mouse model, we performed an in-depth characterization of the effects of congenital ZIKV infection in the early stages of pregnancy until adulthood of offspring born to infected dams. For that, mouse pregnant dams were inoculated with 1x106 PFU/mouse of ZIKV by intraperitoneal route on the embryonic day 5.5 in the presence or absence of anti-envelope pan-flavivirus monoclonal antibody 4G2 to evaluate the phenomenon of antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). Our results revealed that ZIKV induced maternal immune activation (MIA), which was associated with the occurrence of fetal alterations and death. Importantly, therapeutic administration of antiviral peptide AH-D during the early stages of pregnancy prevented ZIKV replication and reduced death of offspring. During the post-natal period, congenital ZIKV infection was associated with a reduction in whole brain volume, ophthalmological abnormalities, changes in the testicular morphology, and disruption in bone microarchitecture. Some alterations were enhanced in the presence of 4G2 antibody. Moreover, neuropathological alterations induced by ZIKV did not reflect on behavioral abnormalities in the male adult offspring, even when subjected to a second environmental hit during the peripubertal period. Overall, our results revealed that early maternal ZIKV infection causes several birth defects in immunocompetent mice, which can be potentiated by the ADE phenomenon and are associated with MIA. Additionally, antiviral treatment with AH-D peptide may be beneficial during early maternal ZIKV infection.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Microbiologia
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectZika virus
dc.subjectZika virus
dc.subjectInfecção Congênita pelo Zika virus
dc.subjectCongenital Zika virus Infection
dc.subjectSíndrome Congênita do Zika
dc.subjectCongenital Zika Syndrome
dc.subjectAtivação Imune Materna
dc.subjectMaternal Immune Activation
dc.subjectAumento da infecção Dependente de Anticorpos
dc.subjectAntibody-Dependent Enhancement
dc.titleA infecção pré-natal pelo Zika virus em camundongos imunocompetentes é associada com anormalidades da prole adulta

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