dc.contributorSarah Baccarini Cunha
dc.creatorAugusto Rangel Mattos Jardim
dc.description.abstractGrowth is a dynamic and complex process and grow properly is indicative of a healthy state. So the changes to the normal standards are suspect and should be examined for any pathology. Several hormones act on this process, being GH and insulin-like growth factors major agents. By definition, a child has short stature if have height less than the 2,5 percentile or score-z less than -2 for age and sex. Children with height incompatible with the standard family and / or deceleration of growth must also be evaluated. The growth disorders are associated with many diseases that impair the growth of various forms. Although complex, many diagnoses can be identified by appropriate clinical history and physical examination. Propedeutics should be guided by the findings, but in cases where diagnostic uncertainty persists, it must be sufficiently comprehensive in order to identify possible diseases not yet identified. Being identified any cause, it must be approached if possible or referred to a specialist. Cases difficult to define, or hormonal function disorders detected, should be evaluated and led by a pediatric endocrinologist. This study presents a review of the etiology and propedeutics of a sample of cases of short stature attended at the pediatric endocrinology clinic of the HC-UFMG. It was evident that in the HC-UFMG, due to its tertiary level of complexity, are frequently used sophisticated laboratory tests. However, tests of low complexity, which can often aid in diagnosis, were less used. They also lacked basic data, in some cases, from history of children with short stature, such as parental height. The incidence of etiologies is similar to world rates. In this way is demonstrated that in the HC-UFMG many times is used advanced propedeutics before exams simple. This is mainly the facility of obtaining these evaluations in reference centers.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectNanismo hipofisário
dc.subjectCrescimento e desenvolvimento
dc.subjectRetardo do crescimento intra-uterino
dc.subjectInsuficiência de crescimento
dc.subjectTranstornos do crescimento
dc.titleAvaliação da propedêutica e etiologia de uma amostra dos casos de baixa estatura atendidos no serviço de endocrinologia pediátrica do HC-UFMG
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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