Da ausência à visibilidade: repertórios de literatura brasileira contemporânea
Gabriel Carrara Vieira
The object of study of this thesis is the formulation of writing repertories in literary texts that establish the regimes of visibility by which we become aware of the Contemporary. To that end, the works of Bernardo Carvalho, Chico Buarque, Daniel Galera, Elvira Vigna, Luiz Ruffato, Michel Laub, Ricardo Lísias and Verônica Stigger and were analyzed in order to compose a mosaic of references. These texts provided the necessary subsidies for understanding contemporary brazilian literature in its heterogeneity, allowing to focus not on the works themselves, but on their repertoires, of which we highlight two main ones: fragment and debt. The understanding of this theoretical operator originated mainly from the readings of Giorgio Agamben, Walter Benjamin and Jacques Rancière as theoretical bases, proposing it as a matrix of absences that aims to produce the visibility of the worlds by literature.