Artigo de Periódico
Coletivo geral infâncias: sobre encontros, trocas e direitos das crianças
Aline Regina Gomes
Tulio Campos
Larissa Maria Santos Altemar
The text aims to present the formation process of the group Geral Infâncias Collective, which proposal is to promote spaces for listening and exchanging with adults and children, building knowledge about the childhoods of Belo Horizonte and region. The methodology is based on a bibliographic review, followed by the description of the experience report of the collective in question. The results show that the constitution of this group allowed the participants to create collaborative networks, supporting the construction of knowledge that favor the search for the guarantee of children's rights and protection. This issue becomes even more evident in the face of the challenges in the context of the COVID19 pandemic. Thus, it is learned that the existence of similar groups can give new meaning to the relationships between the adults involved and the children, both in personal and professional contexts.