Monografias de Especialização
A evolução histórica e as bases legais da educação profissional no Brasil e seus reflexos na formação do aluno/trabalhador
Renata Flávia Nobre Canela Dias
All inserted in Education Professional must understand the importance of knowing their historical evolution and the legal basis of the same, as well as your reflexes to the formation of the student worker. The present study aims to present a proposal for intervention to facilitate the activities of labor servers Technical School Health (ETSUS) State University of Montes Claros (Unimontes), streamline bureaucratic procedures documents, legal understandings, seeking their greater understanding of their ordinary tasks. The study was conducted using bibliographic and documentary research. How intervention methodology, proposes the development of a consolidated laws, ordinances, decrees and opinions depicting the Professional Education and training of servers to use this document, which will be updating when necessary. As a result of the intervention, it is expected that the final preparation of this consolidated the servers ETSUS / Unimontes understand the importance of knowing the Professional Education and its legal basis, for an offering of regular courses, within the standards and norms required by law.