Monografias de Especialização
O jogo da catapulta para compreender o planejamento e análise de experimentos: proposta de uma abordagem lúdica de ensino
Noel Torres Junior
This paper proposes the use of the Catapult game for teaching design of experiments. This game consists of a small catapult capable of launching small objects. This can have different settings, so up to five control variables can be changed. The possibility of introducing different adjustments to the catapult allows driving of several types of treatments and the use of various DOE techniques. In this direction, one 2k factorial experiment was performed and is presented. Moreover, the text addresses the DOE through the Multiple Linear Regression using the regression coefficient R2 as a measure for assessing the significance of the factors and the interaction between them. Despite the simplicity of the catapult device, several existing activities in conducting industrial experiments are present in this game. This work provides several important concepts of this technique through play.