dc.creatorAravena Aravena, Rodrigo
dc.creatorManríquez Novoa, Paula (Prof. Guía)
dc.creatorJara Rojas, Roberto Alejandro (Prof. Guía)
dc.description46 p.
dc.descriptionThis study endeavors to determine the human resource strategies pork slaughter and production sector in Chile. Three strategic areas were determined by factor analysis: “planning and evaluation”, “hiring and training” and “job security”. As well, the effect of these latent variables on labor productivity was analyzed, considering also energy expenditures per employee, input expenditures per employee, and the type of productive activity (production and/or slaughter). To determine the strategic constructs a simulation sing the Bootstrap method was conducted on the initial sample of 23 companies, together with a principal component analysis (PCA) and a subsequent regression analysis. The results indicate that the factors “planning and evaluation” and “hiring and training” have significant and positive effects on labor productivity. Likewise, the variables “energy expenditures per employee” and “input expenditures per employee” have positive and significant relationships with labor productivity. In contrast, a negative effect on labor productivity was observed with the variable “does only primary production”. This study opens a broad area for research to deepen the real effect that the formal definition of human resource strategies on the Chilean pork production sector. Key words: human resource strategies, labor productivity, pork sector, Chile
dc.publisherUniversidad de Talca (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany
dc.subjectHuman resource strategies
dc.subjectLabor productivity
dc.subjectPork sector
dc.titleHuman resource strategies and their effect on labor productivity Chilean pork sector

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