Influencia de la caries radicular en la calidad de vida de adultos mayores autovalentes
Díaz Valdivia, Francisca Javiera
León Araya, Soraya (Prof. Guía)
55 p. Introduction: Currently the older population, thanks to changes in lifestyles, retain a larger number of teeth. This brings the increase associated with the presence of these diseases, which can affect the quality of life of older people. One of the most prevalent diseases in this age group is the root caries. Objectives: To determine whether the presence of root caries is associated with a deterioration in the quality of life of older adults autovalentes. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 82 subjects aged 60 years or more,autovalentes belonging to social clubs in the city of Talca, evaluated between July and September 2014. They were given a demographic survey and the instrument OHIP-14Sp. Besides clinical examination for recording coronal and root caries via ICDAS II. The data collected were tabulated in Excel and tested for normality (Student t test and Mann Whitney). To evaluate c Kendall Tau correlation was used in SPSS. All tests used have a level of statistical significance of 95% (p <0.05).
Results: 40% of subjects who exhibited good quality of life (n = 51) had root caries. 41% of subjects who demonstrated poor quality of life (n = 31) had surfaces with root caries. Of all the subjects who showed good quality of life, 21% had active root caries. Also, individuals with poor quality of life, 21% had active root caries.
Conclusion: The quality of life associated with oral health of older adults autovalentes, is not affected by the presence (p = 0.741) and activity (p = 0.953) of root caries, but showed
that socioeconomic status (p = 0 , 0008) correlates with a higher number of active root caries. Keywords: Root Caries - Quality of Life - Senior Adult Autovalente- Oral Health.