Chile | Artículos de revistas

Valoración de la Actividad de Modelos Anatómicos en el Desarrollo de Competencias en Alumnos Universitarios y su Relación con Estilos de Aprendizaje, Carrera y Sexo

dc.creatorFarias, B.L.
dc.creatorMarchant, C.S.
dc.creatorMon, A.M.G.
dc.creatorVillarroel, P.R.
dc.identifierINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY Volume: 29 Issue: 2 Pages: 568-574
dc.descriptionFarias, BL (reprint author), Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Salud, Dept Ciencias Basicas & Biomed, Ave Lircay S-N,Oficina 104, Talca, Chile.
dc.descriptionConsidering the difficulty in obtaining human cadavers, the use of anatomical models is carried out in some Chilean universities in order to facilitate learning in anatomy, A survey was designed to assess the opinion of kinesiology and phonology students who realized activities and use of anatomical models in the fist year of their careers at the Universidad de Talca. The survey referred to whether this activity is favorable as a learning tool and whether it was possible to develop cognitive, procedural and attitudinal abilities. The results obtained show that the activity was valued positively by students as a learning activity, and that competences, attitudes and values such as teamwork, responsibility, respect and creativity are encouraged. No significant statistical difference was found between competence development and career, sex, or learning style variables.
dc.subjectAnatomical models
dc.subjectLearning style
dc.subjectHuman anatomy
dc.titleAssessment of Anatomical Models Activity in the Competence Development in Undergraduate Students and their Relationship to Learning Style, Career and Sex
dc.titleValoración de la Actividad de Modelos Anatómicos en el Desarrollo de Competencias en Alumnos Universitarios y su Relación con Estilos de Aprendizaje, Carrera y Sexo
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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