Apropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Documento de trabajo (working papers)
El fortalecimiento de la participación de las víctimas ante la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz – JEP – en Colombia.
Alfonso Camelo, Heyder
The Final Agreement, Legislative Act 01 of 2017, the Statutory Law of the Administration of Justice in the JEP (Law 1957 of
2019) and Law 1922 of 2018, indicate as the guiding principle of the JEP that of the “centrality of the victims”. In this restorative justice scenario, it is necessary to describe and analyze the participation of the victims and the organizations that represent them before the JEP, in the course of different scenarios and procedures:
Preparation and presentation of reports;
Participation during the voluntary versions;
Presentation of comments to the voluntary versions;
Intervention during the responsibility acceptance hearing;
Construction of own sanctions; Y
Compliance and monitoring of restorative sanctions.
Both the related regulations, as well as the procedures and scenarios for the participation of the victims, are open themes where the tension between fundamental rights - of the defendants, the possible third parties and the victims - will be processed through an alleged restorative justice.