Armonización de la Norma BASC con el Decreto 1072 (Libro 2, Titulo 4, Capitulo 6) y la Norma Técnica Colombiana ISO 9001:2015 en Transport Logistics Services
2019-12-17Registro en:
Olave Rosas, N. V. y Uribe López, N. P. (2019). Armonización de la Norma BASC con el Decreto 1072 (libro 2, título 4, capítulo 6) y la Norma Técnica Colombiana ISO 9001:2015 en Transport Logistics Services [Tesis de Maestría]. Universidad Santo Tomás, Bucaramanga, Colombia
Olave Rosas, Nazly Viviana
Uribe López, Natalia del Pilar
This project contributes to the Harmonization of the TLS LTDA Organization Management System, based on the Colombian Technical Standard, NTC ISO 9001: 2015, the BASC standard and Decree 1072 of 2015 (Book 2, Title 4, Chapter 6) , establishing the guidelines for its implementation, using as a methodology a mixed approach, under the sequential exploratory design (DEXPLOS), in the derivative modality, dividing its design into three stages, accompanied by the Deming cycle guidelines, PHVA. Obtaining a dashboard that reflects the action plan to be executed in the organization, adding as an Operational Excellence strategy, concluding that the generated standard arises from identifying the common requirements and those that are typical of each standard to frame them in the high structure level proposed by the ISO and that allows the reader in an organized and logical way to understand the management system, in addition, harmonizing the management systems requires a planning of activities guided by a strategy that allows to empower the employees of the organization and evidences the maturity that is acquired in the management system, facilitating its application not only to TLS LTDA, but to any organization classified as a logistics operator in Colombia.