Proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de números enteros y fracciones en estudiantes octavo grado a través de la modelización matemática como innovación pedagógica
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Silva, O. (2022). Proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de números enteros y fracciones en estudiantes octavo grado a través de la modelización matemática como innovación pedagógica. [Tesis Maestría Educación, Universidad Santo Tomás] Repositorio Institucional USTA
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Silva Bastidas, Omaris
The objective of the research seeks to strengthen the teaching-learning process of integers and fractions in eighth grade students of the San José de Curumaní Institute through mathematical modeling as a pedagogical innovation, to improve the academic performance of students and translate the reality of its environment under an operational numerical structure. The informant subjects defined by those who participate in the learning of the mathematical contents of the eighth grade constituted by 38 people, 36 students and 2 mathematics teachers. The study is of a qualitative type, transectional design since the collection was carried out in a single moment and not experimental. The Likert-type scale questionnaire with 5 response options containing 42 questions validated by 5 experts in the study area was used as the collection instrument; The interpretation of the results was achieved through the analysis triangulation process based on the total number of informants, another according to gender (men and women) and the last one based on students and teachers, all according to three dimensions: Cognitive difficulties in the mathematical components; academic skills for teaching-learning and elements of mathematical modeling and pedagogical innovation, under statistical tools of the mean, averages and standard deviation of the SPSS® program, version 18.0 for Windows. The analysis of the information allowed us to conclude that it is complex to master the operational numerical system and associate it with the problems, responses and individual and collective needs of the students that allow them to apply it in their means of coexistence; A harmonic symbiosis is presented between mathematical modeling, interaction between the SAVER didactic methodology and ICT tools, as well as the felt needs modeled in mathematical thinking, which provides answers to the multiple questions about the usefulness of integers and fractions, under a enriched, useful learning environment focused on solving problems applying mathematics, expanding skills from technology in a self-taught, autonomous and creative learning.