Regeneración en un bosque siempreverde tres años después de manejado bajo el método de protección en la Cordillera de la Costa de Valdivia
Torres Silva, Carlos Alberto
The study was carried out in a evergreen forest type which is located in the coastal mountain in the rute to Hueicolla, 32 kilometers away from la Union, province of Valdivia. The forest is exactly located in area called Llancacura and has surface of 3.200 ha. The objective of the research is to evaluate the effects of the intervention done with a uniform shelterwood cutting, on this forest type and mainly over regeneration after three years the cut down was done. Two north and south exposed stands where chosen, having the uniform sheltewood cut down over. To collect data, a systematic sampling was established with the aim to rescue the most representative conditions of the stand. Twenty five plots of 250 m2 were established in the stand. The distance among them was 50 m between the plots centres, each of them with four regenerating sub-plots. Regeneration was quantified in each of these plots according to kinds of heights, estimation of grasses and shrubs coverage. Dap measurement, total height, canopy radio, Types of canopy, health and shape of residual trees. Data obtained was analyzes by means of descriptive statistics with the purpose to characterize the present state of stands, concerning to density, basal area, coverage of canopys, volume, healthiness and shape of residual trees, density of regeneration and the actual grasses and shrubs coverage. Statistic analysis were also done relating regeneration density with coverage of canopys and grasses and shrubs coverage, observing the types of trend that was reflecting the regeneration. Ulmo, Tineo and Tepa are main residual species in both stands, with more of 80 % of the total residual density (178 tress/ha in the south stand, 192 tress/ha in the north stand), the south stand presents an area basal residual of 37,87 m2/ha (extraction of 46,4 %), DMC of 52,10 cm, a residual volume of 321,79 m3/ha and an average canopys coverage of 35 % for the stand. The north stand for his side with an area basal residual of 31,53 m2/ha (extraction of 59,5 %), DMC of 45,73 cm, a residual volume of 253,83 m3/ha and an average canopys coverage of 37 %. Ulmo presents the major number of trees with severe damage of log or foliage in the stands (24,2 % in the south stand and 37 % in the north stand), Tepa presents the individuals more healthy and of good form in both stand. The density of regeneration in the south stand is of 31.100 seedlings and 675 saplings per hectare, with an average grasses and shrubs coverage of 44,85 %. In the north stand the regeneration is of 39.875 seedlings and 2.475 saplings per hectare, with an average grasses and shrubs coverage of 54,1 %. The regeneration in the north exposed stand found its settling more affected with the increase of grasses and shrubs cover. Species like Canelo and Avellano are better settled under high canopy covers in north exposition. Dryness is very related to the exposition to sun light or shadow, so in the south exposed stand as plants are not affected by high lighting, they don’t have problems in setting at low or high canopy covers, in this way no tendency is shown. The analysis done to Ulmo and Tineo together with this stand show a similar tendency to that of Canelo and Avellano in the north exposed stand, and this can be attributed to the fact that when Ulmo is in open areas at its first stages, it is very susceptible to frozen temperatures, so it requires certain shadow protection to grow well. The study was carried out in a evergreen forest type which is located in the coastal mountain in the rute to Hueicolla, 32 kilometers away from la Union, province of Valdivia. The forest is exactly located in area called Llancacura and has surface of 3.200 ha. The objective of the research is to evaluate the effects of the intervention done with a uniform shelterwood cutting, on this forest type and mainly over regeneration after three years the cut down was done. Two north and south exposed stands where chosen, having the uniform sheltewood cut down over. To collect data, a systematic sampling was established with the aim to rescue the most representative conditions of the stand. Twenty five plots of 250 m2 were established in the stand. The distance among them was 50 m between the plots centres, each of them with four regenerating sub-plots. Regeneration was quantified in each of these plots according to kinds of heights, estimation of grasses and shrubs coverage. Dap measurement, total height, canopy radio, Types of canopy, health and shape of residual trees. Data obtained was analyzes by means of descriptive statistics with the purpose to characterize the present state of stands, concerning to density, basal area, coverage of canopys, volume, healthiness and shape of residual trees, density of regeneration and the actual grasses and shrubs coverage. Statistic analysis were also done relating regeneration density with coverage of canopys and grasses and shrubs coverage, observing the types of trend that was reflecting the regeneration. Ulmo, Tineo and Tepa are main residual species in both stands, with more of 80 % of the total residual density (178 tress/ha in the south stand, 192 tress/ha in the north stand), the south stand presents an area basal residual of 37,87 m2/ha (extraction of 46,4 %), DMC of 52,10 cm, a residual volume of 321,79 m3/ha and an average canopys coverage of 35 % for the stand. The north stand for his side with an area basal residual of 31,53 m2/ha (extraction of 59,5 %), DMC of 45,73 cm, a residual volume of 253,83 m3/ha and an average canopys coverage of 37 %. Ulmo presents the major number of trees with severe damage of log or foliage in the stands (24,2 % in the south stand and 37 % in the north stand), Tepa presents the individuals more healthy and of good form in both stand. The density of regeneration in the south stand is of 31.100 seedlings and 675 saplings per hectare, with an average grasses and shrubs coverage of 44,85 %. In the north stand the regeneration is of 39.875 seedlings and 2.475 saplings per hectare, with an average grasses and shrubs coverage of 54,1 %. The regeneration in the north exposed stand found its settling more affected with the increase of grasses and shrubs cover. Species like Canelo and Avellano are better settled under high canopy covers in north exposition. Dryness is very related to the exposition to sun light or shadow, so in the south exposed stand as plants are not affected by high lighting, they don’t have problems in setting at low or high canopy covers, in this way no tendency is shown. The analysis done to Ulmo and Tineo together with this stand show a similar tendency to that of Canelo and Avellano in the north exposed stand, and this can be attributed to the fact that when Ulmo is in open areas at its first stages, it is very susceptible to frozen temperatures, so it requires certain shadow protection to grow well.