Trayectorias profesionales de docentes con discapacidades en educación superior: necesaria participación del gobierno universitario. VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigación sobre Gobernanza
2020-11-03Registro en:
Pinkoski de Souza, M., Macedo , D. Jung, H. S. & Fossatti, P. (2020). Trayectorias profesionales de docentes con discapacidades en educación superior: necesaria participación del gobierno universitario. VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigación sobre Gobernanza [Descripción de la ponencia] Repositorio Institucional - Universidad Santo Tomás
Pinkoski de Souza, Mariana
Macedo Ziliotto, Denise
Jung, Hildegard Susana
Fossatti, Paulo
University governance can generate the implementation of policies and represents a set of procedures that relate
to the participatory and plural dimension of society. In view of this, this study is an excerpt developed from the
outline of the thesis project built in the Graduate Program in Education at La Salle University. The research
aims to understand how the professional trajectory of teachers with disabilities who teach in higher education
institutions is constituted. This study is characterized by a qualitative approach, at an exploratory level and from
the perspective of systematic review. The results point to the necessary engagement of university governance in
the face of the lack of studies and inclusive policies that promote the performance and professional trajectories
of teachers with disabilities in higher education.