Capitulo 4: El arte de la palabra: las obras de arte de la Orden de Predicadores como medio de evangelización en el Nuevo Reino de Granada
2014Registro en:
Benavides, F .(2014). Religiosidad e imagen: aproximaciones a la colección de arte colonial de la Orden de Predicadores de Colombia. Bogotá: Ediciones USTA.
Benavides Silva, Fabián Leonardo
This chapter deals with the different themes represented in the colonial works of art belonging to the Order of Preachers, which were used as a medium of art.
belonging to the Order of Preachers, which were used as a means of evangelization and as an instrument to reinforce or maintain Christian
evangelization and as an instrument to reinforce or maintain the Christian precepts of the Catholic faith in the population of
the Christian precepts of the Catholic faith in the population of Neogranadina. It is assumed that these works were mostly hybrid artistic expressions.
hybrid artistic expressions, each of them resorting to multiple techniques of elaboration and incorporating varied
techniques and incorporating varied systems of symbols in their composition1 .