Propuesta pedagógica para fortalecer la lectura y la escritura en los estudiantes de básica primaria, a través de la lúdica como herramienta pedagógica y con base en una revisión documental de referentes entre 2015-2020
2021-03-20Registro en:
Quintero, A., Acosta, S., & Acosta, T. (2021) Propuesta pedagógica para fortalecer la lectura y la escritura en los estudiantes de básica primaria, a través de la lúdica como herramienta pedagógica y con base en una revisión documental de referentes entre 2015-2020. [Trabajo de grado, Licenciatura en Educación Infantil, Universidad Santo Tomás] Repositorio Institucional USTA
Quintero, Auri
Acosta, Solida
Acosta, Teresa
This research is entitled: "Pedagogical proposal to strengthen reading and writing in elementary school students". This started from the observation made in some educational contexts, where weaknesses have been evidenced in the reading and writing process of elementary school children, therefore it is directed towards the design of a pedagogical proposal to strengthen reading and writing. in elementary school students, through play as a pedagogical tool and based on a documentary review of references and their analysis between 2015-2020. The methodology was framed within the qualitative research approach. The type of research developed was the documentary review. The study had a descriptive-explanatory scope, with a sample made up of 20 investigative referents all related to the categories: Reading, writing and play. The techniques and instruments to collect the information were the documentary analysis and the instruments used were the category matrices. The study concluded that there are weaknesses in the students' reading comprehension processes, weaknesses were detected at the level of literal, inferential and critical understanding. The pedagogical practice of teachers is largely framed in the traditional way of teaching reading and writing. Playfulness is very important in learning, as it encourages socialization, fun and moral rules. In the same way, they also help children to express themselves and face their feelings, to stimulate their creativity, which in many cases is undervalued by teachers.