Generación de Nuevo Conocimiento: Libros publicados
Orden de predicadores, 800 años: Tomo I. Los dominicos en la política, siglos XVIII-XIX
2017Registration in:
López, J. (2017). Orden de predicadores, 800 años: Tomo I. los dominicos en la política, siglos XVIII - XIX. Bogotá: Ediciones USTA.
López Salamanca, Juan Ubaldo
Benavides Silva, Fabián Leonardo
Torres Torres, Eugenio Martín
Escobar Herrera, Andrés Mauricio
Aguirre Salvador, Rodolfo
Dóci, Viliam Štefan
Fraschina, Alicia
Cotrina, Carlos Aburto
Alzate Montes, Carlos Mario
Ramírez Barreto, Édgar Arturo
Rosas Salas, Sergio
Rodríguez Villanueva, Carlos Alberto
Buriano, Ana María
Tenti, María Mercedes
Gómez Bello, Eduardo Alberto
Yate Rodríguez, Francisco Javier
Ballén Rodríguez, Juan Sebastián
López López, Juan Sebastián
Romero Tovar, Sigifredo
Since before the pontifical confirmation of the Order of Preachers on December 22, 1216, the political has been present in the life and tasks of the Dominican friars. However, that presence is not limited to what the Enlightenment and the nineteenth and twentieth centuries conceived by politics, that is, the science and exercise concerning the governance of societies, especially nation-states, is not exhausted either. in the Greek concept of polis or police, but part of two concepts of the Christian tradition: the person, understood as an individual substance of a rational nature, and the common good or all that is for the benefit of all people.
In this book, fruit of the contribution of a wide network of historians, the participation of the Dominicans in diverse disjunctives is studied in which, as homo politicus, the friars have been faced with the inescapable role of taking sides in the political processes assumed by the social groups in which they have been present throughout the world.