Formación de ciudadanos del mundo : un estudio de IAP y ApS desde la glocalidad y la pedagogía crítica en un contexto de educación superior
2017-10-19Registro en:
Hernández Acevedo, A. (2017). Formación de ciudadanos del mundo : un estudio de IAP y ApS desde la glocalidad y la pedagogía crítica en un contexto de educación superior. Tesis de posgrado. Universidad Santo Tomás. Tunja
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Hernández Acevedo, Alvaro
The formation of citizens of the world from critical pedagogy is an inter and transdisciplinary task of all teachers, who are considered as intellectuals who discover, together with their students, the needs and the complex reality of the subjects. In their pedagogical acts they construct possible solutions that transform the world of life from our immediate vital environment, and emancipate the consciences of the prejudices, complexes and control devices of the system.
Hence, it is inferred that pedagogy ends in citizenship from a dialogic perspective; that is, in the classroom, students form dialogic communities between equal subjects, which respect the subjectivity of the other, the difference and the possibility of constructing new political, cultural, economic and social meanings, fundamental elements to define a democratic society of citizens . Taking into account what has been said, this is how this study raises the need to generate in the pedagogical processes the inclusion of the principles of minimums and maximums to form a plural society of glocal citizens, that is, of autonomous subjects who understand themselves in relation to the other, thinking about the dynamics of global situations and problems and acting locally with concrete and plausible proposals that respond to a solidary and sustainable mentality.
The methodological process chosen for this work was Service Learning (ApS), which is inserted into the Action Participation Research (IAP), since a meeting with communities is developed, with whom needs are discovered, the causes are analyzed and possible solutions are built from their same historical, cultural and social conditions. This knowledge arises after the encounter that students experienced in a service they provided in an organized, methodical and evaluated manner with different social groups whose purpose was discovered as double as they managed to signify all their knowledge, received in their classrooms, helping to solve problems concrete community members, and in turn, identified the importance of training as responsible and supportive citizens of what happens in the world that bet on local actions that benefit their vital environment.