bachelor thesis
Línea base de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero generadas por los desplazamientos regulares de la comunidad universitaria desde y hacia los campus de la USTA sede Villavicencio
2020-10-14Registro en:
Parrado, F & Caro, R, (2021). Línea base de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero generadas por los desplazamientos regulares de la comunidad universitaria desde y hacia los campus de la USTA sede Villavicencio. Tesis de pregrado, Universidad Santo Tomás. Villavicencio.
reponame:Repositorio Institucional Universidad Santo Tomás
instname:Universidad Santo Tomás
Parrado Parrado, Frayther Hernan
Caro Jiménez, Ronald Steven
This study made the baseline of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by regular travel of the university community (students, teachers, administrative and general services, monitoring and maintenance) from and to the campuses of the University Santo Tomás Villavicencio, for the year 2019. The GHG emission factors for mobile sources en route were estimated for the university community using the international vehicle emissions model IVE (MIEV). Subsequently, a diagnosis was made of the mobility habits of the university community, in relation to modes of transport, times and distances traveled to and from the university, and finally the greenhouse gas emissions were calculated (CO2, CH4 and N2O) for an-route mobile sources traveling to and from the university. For this, the model required four types of input data sets: dynamic vehicle fleet composition, technology distribution, driving patterns, and engine on/off patterns; plus information on local conditions such as fuel composition, inspection and maintenance schedule, and, local relative humidity and temperature values (correction factors). The process of estimating vehicle emissions consisted of multiplying the base of emission factors by each of the correction factors and by the distance traveled per vehicle for each technology, taking into account the number of daily and weekly trips made by the university community to and from the university. The total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions en route for the criteria pollutants were: Carbon dioxide (CO2) with a value of 5'394.272,87 ton/year (T/A), nitrous oxide (N2O) with a value of 227,43 T/A and methane (CH4) with a value of 8'979,84 T/A. In consideration of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) criteria evaluated in the study, the total amount was 5'403.480,13 T / A, which allowed to form the baseline of GHG emissions for the year 2019 of the University of Santo Tomás-Villavicencio.