Apropiación Social y Circulación del Conocimiento: Estrategias de comunicación del conocimiento
Coronavirus, un desafío para la gobernanza universitaria en la era digital: una mirada desde Colombia. VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigación sobre Gobernanza Universitaria
2020-10-23Registro en:
Sosa, J. A. & Quimbayo , A. (2020). Coronavirus, un desafío para la gobernanza universitaria en la era digital: una mirada desde Colombia. VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Investigación sobre Gobernanza Universitaria [Descripción de la ponencia] Repositorio institucional - Universidad Santo Tomás.
Sosa Chinome, Jorge Andrés
Quimbayo Feria, Adriana
The history of humanity shows the presence of pandemics, however, none of them register
such a strong impact as the one we are experiencing in the 21st century, given its speed of propagation
and absence of limits and boundaries in a globalized world. The daily dynamics in which thought,
emotionality and daily behaviors were immersed, added to technological advances, changed the work
of politics, educational dynamics, in the use and investment of economic resources, and obviously the
social aspects, evidencing the demands that society has in the midst of the pandemic and thinking as
never before in the way to survive and preserve the essence of social relations, the basis of the processes
of human subjectivity. It is in this context, where it becomes important to ask about the handling of
University governance in times of Pandemic, a perspective from the digital age.