dc.contributorOspina Martínez, Oswaldo
dc.creatorSilva-Carrillo, Jhonatan
dc.creatorRodriguez-Castillo, Valentina
dc.description.abstractThe present investigation analyzes the electronic commerce, and how this thanks to the access to Internet and the globalization has become an important tool to potentiate the international businesses besides being a resource that allows greater facility and comfort to offer products and services, is for that reason its world-wide evolution is analyzed, in Latin America, and Colombia. On the other hand, its focus is given to how it is being done in Colombia what role it plays within the Colombian MSMEs, as well as what challenges they must face to achieve international markets, so it was taken into account the First Great Survey of Information Technology and Communications, so that it was evident the deficiency in human resources within the ICT companies, as well as a high percentage of companies that did not consider necessary to be in an e-commerce platform. Similarly, the influence of private and public entities to promote MSMEs in e-commerce was analyzed. Finally, due to the current situation of the Covid 19 pandemic, consumer preferences or trends have changed, which has been a push for more companies to start their sales in the digital market aimed at reaching international markets and for Colombia to continue to position itself as one of the leaders in e-commerce in the region.
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional
dc.sourceinstname:Universitaria Agustiniana
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional UniARI
dc.subjectComercio electrónico
dc.subjectTecnologías de la información y comunicación
dc.subjectEconomía digital
dc.titleEl e-commerce: potencializador de los negocios internacionales en las MiPymes

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