Propuesta de un sistema de gestión de calidad para la organización almojábanas caseras paragüitas, basado en la NTC-ISO 9001 - 2015
Salcedo-Segura, Adriana Marcela
Vargas-Lozano, Andrea
Becerra-Becerra, Martha
Currently in the food industry it is important to implement quality systems, therefore, Almojábanas Caseras Paragüitas is aware that it must improve processes in order to be recognized in the market, expand the customer portfolio and loyalty of current customers. This proposal is aimed at evaluating the current conditions of the organization against the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2015, establishing the gaps and also the necessary activities to achieve compliance, through the characterization of strategic processes, mission and support, establishing a marketing model and the type of philosophy to go a step further, in social and corporate responsibility voluntarily undertakes to bring a proposal on social practices, labor, human rights and environment, in strategic verification of quality, develops a plan and program of internal audit tailored to the organization; In quality, competitiveness and innovation, the CANVAS model is developed, defining an innovative business model; in management excellence, the European Foundation Quality Management (EFQM) model is used to identify weaknesses, taking into account its criteria; in monitoring and measurement, indicators are developed for three processes that affect the system; in continuous improvement, three tools are developed: the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle (PHVA), the histogram and Pareto, in order to identify a problem and propose improvements; in the integration of quality, the integration models are used as guidelines