Factores que inciden en la accidentalidad laboral de la empresa Mundial de Pinturas L.C. D. S.A.S
Echeverria-Garcia, Adriana Paola
The present work is framed in the Colombian legislation in force indicated in Decree 1072 of 2015 and supported by the norm 45001 of 2018, where the general system of labour risks allows public and private entities, are destined to prevent, protect and care for workers with any illness or accident that may arise as a result of the work they perform.
An investigation was carried out at the Mundial de Pinturas LCD SAS to determine the factors that affect work accidents and to project the possible improvements that are susceptible to minimize the incidents found.
Supported by the theories and concepts of different authors who have expressed the importance of the safety, health and well-being of the company’s employees in reference, seeking to foster a culture of prevention and self-care on the part of partners that we hope will lead to a change in attitude and vision towards this issue.