| info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
Seguridad y tecnología en la cadena de suministros para los agentes de carga internacional, caso Cargex S.A.S. de acuerdo a la nueva regulación aduanera decreto 390 de 2016
Bulla Romero, Martha Milena
This work establishes the general guidelines that must be implemented by the International
Freight Agency in particular. Cargex SAS in relation to technology and security according to the
new customs regulations. Decree 390 of 2016. In the course of this work, the general parameters
to be followed are identified in order to comply with the new requirements of the standard, in
such a way that the deficiencies of the Cargex SAS company and its performance to align with
the new changing foreign trade policies worldwide. It shows how the issue of security and
technology in the field of foreign trade are one of the most important pillars in the logistics chain
and fundamental for the growth of a company. One of the most relevant conclusions has to do
with modernization in customs management, security and facilitation in the logistics chain in
terms of foreign trade operations, coordination and collaboration between the parties, the
opening of new business, efficiency and, above all, the prevention and control of money