Parque educativo Agustiniano Tagaste estructura ecológica principal, una estrategia de caracterización de paisaje. desde el humedal de capellanía hasta el humedal la vaca
Fetecua Garzón, Adriana del Pilar
Diaz Diaz, Amy Juliette
The factors that affect the deterioration of the main ecological structure in the area
Southwest of Bogotá is the fundamental element that characterizes the natural landscape and
urban, particularly in the towns of Kennedy and Fontibón.
In this investigation an analysis of the localities is carried out, where it was taken into account
the different problems that arise due to the lack of planning in some aspects
of the territory such as: fragmentation, the presence of industrial use, growth
Separation of the population, concentration of land uses, loss of identification of
some places, the social segregation and the valuation of patrimonial, natural elements,
cultural and social
To configure the landscape and generate an articulated territory it is necessary to understand the
importance of landscape elements. For this, the recovery of the structure is considered
ecology, the connection of public space with a diversity of uses and a group of
equipment that generates social cohesion and provides quality of life.