Sistematización de experiencias turísticas con miras a la postulación de una propuesta turística naranja, para prevenir el estancamiento y posterior declive del destino. (Páramo de Ocetá, Monguí, Boyacá).
Pulgarin-Jiménez, Cesar David
This paper claims as the systematization of tourist experiences from physical, emotional and intellectual life lessons contribute to design and to determine regulations for development of orange tourism strategies in favour of the Oceta paramo conservation. On this matter, the target of the investigation is to carry out a systematization of tourist experiences looking to an orange tourist proposal to prevent its standstill and deterioration; as a methodology was selected the qualitative approach and descriptive method for data gathering. Moreover, it applied techniques such as observation and survey. As most relevant results, it is highlighted that the systematization of tourist experiences allows actors to be involved in collective learning processes and the generation of new knowledge based on their relationship with natural resources, leading to reflection that can be instrumentalized as a whole of guidelines for conservation proposals from the perspective of orange tourism.