Estudio de factores de éxito de las agencias de viajes en el eje cafetero
Cortes-Fuentes, Saul Andres
Rincon-Panche, Hernan Camilo
The present work is an analysis and evaluation of the factors of success in the travel agencies in the coffee, through the application of a structured survey direct, allowing to explore the strategies used in the tourist market and as they reach the proposed objectives. These indicators were used and compared to show the relationship and difference between different forms of operation in travel agencies, given that these indicators will enable the difference of interests that exist in the policies. The main objective will be to identify, how they operate and because they have remained in the market, in addition to studying the institutional philosophy and how are loyalty have to innovate against competition. Raises a series of strategies for weaknesses that became more apparent and therefore suggests its application for the improvement of processes, allowing control of all particular factors.