Estrategias para fortalecer el avistamiento de aves en la región del chocó Colombia
Jimenez-Herrera, Dania Mayerly
Arias-Gonzalez, Angely Amelia
This research project is based on the suggestion of strategies to strengthen bird watching in the Chocó region of Colombia, taking as a support element the theory of comparative advantage proposed by David Ricardo, an analysis of this specialized segment is made, its behavior in the country and its main Latin American competitors, in order to identify strategies implemented in leading countries in this activity such as Peru, Ecuador and Costa Rica, so that this department can enhance its tourism offer and be a reference in The international market
For the development of this research, a non-experimental design was applied, in which the collection of the information embodied in the project structure was based on a documentary investigation, which allowed us to propose the strategies that optimize bird sighting continuously in The Chocó Colombia region, since in an area like this that has an advantage in terms of natural resources and birdlife, it is vitally important to give priority to green business lines as a source of foreign investment to boost the economy at the departmental level and at the national level, to obtain better positioning and international recognition.