El objeto arquitectónico, hábitat transitorio para población multiterritorializada en la comuna 5 del municipio de Soacha
Martinez Vergara, Sebastian Felipe
Peñuela Sarmiento, Luis Felipe
Rodriguez Forero, Leonardo Stiven
The document includes an investigation about the phenomenon of multiterritorialization in the Municipality of Soacha, which is the largest recipient of victims of armed conflict in the metropolitan area of Bogotá.
Based on the dynamics of multiterritoriality, the population statistical documentation, and the application of the methodological instrument (Survey), area 5 of Soacha was determined as area of influence, since its characteristics and conditions have allowed the development of networks of services and staffing of equipment that complements residential use, in addition to its proximity to the most problematic areas (Commune 4 and 6).
Taking into account the above, the architectural design of a transitional habitat was developed, for the temporary accommodation of the reterritorialized population in the Municipality of Soacha, in which they can carry out their social resilience process. This architectural object will be implanted in two strategic points located along the Terreros Avenue, which are linked to each other, by means of an urban proposal.