Escenario de Construcción Colectiva en la red de la memoria del centro ampliado del paisaje de Bogotá.
Puentes Bareño, Saily Tatiana
The degree work is presented from an architectural approach in order to assess the historical memory of the user population, how to materialize it and express it in the design and is structured in four general sections.
The first, through the causes of the problem, the antecedents, buildings with a common purpose of visualizing a historical event (war or political conflict), the second is structured towards the research question and the objectives, with the purpose of relate the variables for the approach to the development of the proposal. In the third and fourth segments, the verification of the hypothesis of the proposal (memory building), linked to the objective and theme, with the materialization of the concepts in projects (debate), the frameworks, methodology (annexes), is concentrated the define the historical memory, not only in a tangible way of the testimonies, photographs, among others, but in another perspective of post-conflict, symbolism, patrimony, quality of life and digitalization, in the geographical field of study of the property Ala Solar of the Expanded Centre of the Bogotá Landscape.