Sociedades permeables, renovación para los barrios de Patio Bonito, Kennedy.
Hernandez-Vargas, Daniel Fernando
Rodríguez-Quintero, Oscar Fernando
The idea of generating urbanizations that meet the needs of an accelerated demographic growth and that mitigate segregation, is the center of this research, the objective is to find strategies that allow the development of a coherent urban design before territories with social problems and overpopulation; The scope that will be presented from the investigation will be exemplified in a mass plan accompanied by an idea of public space, both developed within a partial plan. The novelty of the realization of the project is the interpretation of a sociological theory (The Open District) that will provide another perspective to urban design, accompanied by the interpretation of the shape of the territory and its components formed by means of geometric processes, the objective spatial is aimed at mitigating social problems. The field of work where the aforementioned theory will be applied is the U.P.Z. (Zonal Planning Unit) No. 82 of Locality 08 Kennedy of Bogotá, named Patio Bonito: chosen by the current concentration of greater overcrowding than in any other U.P.Z. in Bogota (197,501 current inhabitants in the locality according to DANE or National Administrative Department of Statistics 2018), and with a problem of segregation prone to gentrification, in addition to an absence of public space of adequate support for their community (counting with 1.80 m2 / Hab of public space according to Observatory of the Public Space of Bogotá 2017).