dc.contributorNeira, Jairo
dc.creatorRincon Pinzon, Eleasar Julian Orlando
dc.creatorLeon Rincon, Luis Carlos
dc.creatorVillamil, Raul Andres
dc.description.abstractThe Villa Águeda House Woman Restaurant is part of the specialized food restaurant sector, focused on grilled food gastronomy, according to its characteristics the rural restaurant sector of the city of Bogotá, opened the doors as a non-profit company directed to the social and cultural projection of the region of the municipality of Chocontá having as axis the architecture of a house in the shape of a woman. Given the boom and frequent visits of tourists in the area, the company is in the imperative need to create a business idea that would be complementary to the services it offered and generate profits that would support it; In 2018 the restaurant service is opened, which generates a great impact in the typical rural food sector but does not reach the profitability goals projected by the company, which leads to temporary closure. The objectives of this work are firstly to identify, through diagnostic tools, which have been the motives of greatest value that have led to this unfavorable result for the company. Second, design and implement an improvement plan that allows the capture of customers and therefore the increase in sales. With the development of the improvement plan seeks to project a strategic program with assertive and real tactics that allow to put it in motion, evaluate its performance and achieve the goals of sustainability of the company.
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución 2.5 Colombia
dc.rightsAtribución 2.5 Colombia
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional UniARI
dc.sourceinstname:Universitaria Agustiniana
dc.subjectPlan de mejora
dc.titleDiseño de plan de mejora para la captación de clientes Restaurante Casa Mujer Villa Águeda

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