Modelo de negocio sostenible de recolección de basuras de Bogotá D.C, caso de éxito suizo
Monsalve Barreto, Luz Angela
González rodríguez, Katerin Julieth
The waste collection process in Bogotá has had several implementation projects, however these procedure have not been developed under an efficient collection and separation system of waste, to accomplish this it is necessary to identify the benefits of a new garbage collection scheme in Bogotá seen as a sustainable business model, through specific objectives as the analysis of garbage collection system in Switzerland and the development generated by the implementation of it, because these country is a leader in recycling system, likewise it is important take into account the garbage collection system that is currently used in Bogotá. This research has as a main purpose to define a sustainable business model for garbage collection in Bogotá that involves the district, which is in charge of establishing the parameters and normative criteria of the system; the operators, who will be responsible for the efficient collection of waste; the users, in charge of the classification and separation of the generated waste; and companies in charge of the process of reusing the waste generated in the capital, all agents play an indispensable role in the execution of the sustainable model, the results of the model will be reflected over the years, because it must generate a culture and environmental conscience in all the agents that participate.