dc.contributorVillamarín Ramos, Héctor David
dc.creatorAguiar-Mahecha, Laura María
dc.creatorSáenz-Villanueva, Patricia
dc.description.abstractIn this paper is possible to observe the cultural and historical touristy in Mariquita-Tolima; a municipality that has a great potential to generate its development. The main objective of this paper is to identify the possibilities of tourism development in the municipality. Firstly, characterizing the cultural and historical attractions through a tourism inventory. Secondly, identifying the tourist profile that could be interested in any product that holds these characteristics. Thirdly, creating a tourist circuit that covers the historical and cultural aspects that the town offers. In order to reach the main purpose, a descriptive research with a qualitative approach was applied in which several processes were carried out (inventories of the tangible and intangible touristy elements and attractions) to map the tourist circuit. Moreover, aiming to obtain data to identify the client's profile, a set of Surveys were handled to find out if there is a possibility for foreign people to be interested and invest in the tourist circuit of Mariquita. Finally, a considerable amount of information was gathered through field trips that allowed us to implement a tourist circuit, in which a map was included. This was organized with the historical and cultural characteristics, its itinerary and ways of financing.
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional UniARI
dc.sourceinstname:Universitaria Agustiniana
dc.subjectCircuito turístico
dc.subjectInventario turístico
dc.subjectProducto turístico
dc.subjectCultura e historia
dc.subjectPerfil del turista
dc.subjectDesarrollo turístico
dc.subjectPlanificación turística
dc.titleCircuito turístico en el municipio de mariquita, a partir de sus recursos culturales e históricos

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