Modelo matemático de evaluación y selección de proveedores mediante programación lineal entera mixta (MILP)
Gamboa-Maldonado, Juan Pablo
The objective of this text is to analyze the logistical problems from its macro perspective as its micro perspective and understand how these directly affect the final price of the product, based on this, the selection of suppliers will be prioritized for the decrease of these prices through of a mathematical model which will be compared to different solutions provided, the variables that analyze those solutions will also be seen and an improvement will be sought that has not been addressed in these solutions, so that the existing model becomes closer To the reality that is lived with the contracts of the suppliers of great maracas (franchises) once raised this will be evaluated in different scenarios the model seeing its adaptability to the changes that may occur in the market once seen adaptability see its pros and cons and possible options to improve the proposed model.