Situación del sector hortofrutícola en Colombia que le impide satisfacer la demanda en el mercado canadiense, el caso de la uchuva (Physalis peruviana)
Ortegon Gonzalez, Ingrid Paola
Torres González, Juan Manuel
The present investigation analyzes the fruits and vegetables sector of Colombia, taking as case the production of Cape gooseberry, because this is one of the main products exports in the country, and has enormous internal failures that do not allow take advantage of its potential. For this analysis is use as reference the export of Cape gooseberry to Canada, because this is an interesting market for this product, Canadian consumers are strong claimants of Cape gooseberry, especially of Colombian origin.
The development of this research project is based on the competitiveness model of Esser Klaus, specifically the micro and macro level, since the analysis of these allows to know what is happening with the cape gooseberry sector, likewise, it allows to identify the opportunities and failures that can be found internally and externally. An internal level (micro), it analyzes the production of small, medium and large entrepreneurs, productivity, innovation, efficiency, quality; and at the external level (macro), governmental factors are analyze as subsidies offered by the government to producers, opportunities for the signing of the FTA between Colombia and Canada, government projects and programs that benefit or affect agricultural producers. Colombian, particularly Cape gooseberry producers, in addition to land restitution law. Finally, alternative solutions are presented that can help the growth of the intern sector and the increase of exports to Canada.