Laboratorio para medir pérdidas de potencia en una transmisión RF por medio de equipos SDR
Rojas-Castillo, Wendy Dayana
In order to design a laboratory guide that would allow measuring the power loss in a radio frequency transmission, a brief investigation was carried out about signals transmission and SDR, the SDR used on this project is the HackRF One, through the investigation it was determined that the scope of the radio waves depends on the emission power, the sensitivity of the receiver, atmospheric conditions and terrains. In addition, it was inquired about software defined radio and how the improvements that it has been presenting in recent years have contributed to the improvement of data transmission and reception. Through the GNU Radio program, two block diagrams were implemented, one capable of transmitting a signal in WAV format and a FM receiver, the ones that were used to carry out the design of the laboratory practices, which are available for students and others interested about the field of telecommunications and anyone who wishes to investigate the phenomenon of attenuation.